Hola hola hola:
I know that it's been a while since I wrote a blog post. This time of year is crazy for all of us, but I am feeling especially overwhelmed this year as I balance all the musicals that I'm doing, my Saturday teaching job, and my regular teaching job.
I have heard so much in the past about the power of Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS), but I never really knew how to implement it. All the books I had read on TPRS seemed to require too much translation, which I'm not a huge fan of in my classroom.
HOWEVER, I finally tried it, and I am sooooo happy that I did. I have to give a huge shoutout to Kara Jacobs because her resource was the one that really gave me the courage to start it. I used her story and just made some adjustments to make it my own, etc.
As you may know, I have been working on thematic units this year, so I wanted to turn the "descriptions" unit into a unit on self-esteem and stereotypes instead of just teaching them to describe things and moving on. I used Kara Jacobs's resource on the music video "Soy yo" by Bomba Estéreo as the starting point for my unit. For those of you who haven't seen it, take a look at it. You do not need to speak Spanish to understand the message behind it.
So, basically I told the students the story of the girl in the video before actually showing them the video. I pre-taught the essential vocabulary, and then we went right into it. I HIGHLY recommend using Pear Deck for this. It makes the presentation way more interactive and fun for the students when telling the story.
So, I spent a few weeks working with them on this story and identifying stereotypes, retelling the story, etc. There was soooo much vocabulary and grammar in this unit that I thought I was never going to finish it. However, we did, and the results made me so happy.
The Final Assessment:
I always end my units with a performance assessment--either a speaking or a writing assignment. This one was a writing assignment. The scenario was that my friend in Mexico has a little sister who's being made fun of for her weight at school, and the students had to write to her and tell her all about the girl in the video and remind her that she is beautiful just the way she is.
This assessment was done a few days ago with my 6th graders. I haven't gotten through all of them, but I have been shocked and surprised by all of the ones that I have read so far.
This is their first year studying Spanish, and I went back into one of my student's portfolios who had me in 6th grade two years ago and found a writing assignment that I did at this exact point in the year. This student's writing was really great and s/he included a lot of questions, which is something I need to remember to add to my prompt for the Soy yo writing next time. However, there is still a HUGE difference in the amount of writing included.
March 7th, 2017 -- one of my top students wrote this:
"Hola Ricardo! Me llamo _____. Mi familia y yo somos de Estados Unidos. Soy rubia. Soy doce años, ¿y tú? Me gusta dibujar y jugar al lacrosse. ¿Tú eres atlético? Me gusta matematica pero no me gusta escribir. Mi mejor amiga se llama _____. Ella es simpática. A _____ le gusta jugar al fútbol y esquiar. Nosotros somos altas. ¿Te gusta jugar al fútbol? Hace frío afuera. ¿Qué tiempo hace en Puerto Rico? ¿Te gusta nadar?
Hasta luego!"
March 12th, 2019 -- my current students wrote this:
“Querida Laura:
Hola. Mi nombre es ____. Soy de Massachusetts, USA. Soy flaco, alto, castaño, y muy extraño. Tengo pelo largo. Me gusta jugar a los videojuegos y mirar la televisión. No me gusta practicar deportes ni tomar exámines.
Yo odio estereotipos. Gordo no es feo, flaco no es linda.
En una video, hay una chica en una peluquería. (El nombre de el video es “Soy yo.”) A ella le encanta su nuevo pelo. La chica sale de la peluquería y dice, “Soy yo! Hasta luego.”
Ella monta en bici por la ciudad. La bicicleta de la chica es muy especial y bonita. La chica ve a dos chicas. A ellas no les gusta la bici ni la chica. La chica toca la flauta. A ellas no les gusta la música de la chica. La chica dice, “Soy yo.” Las dos chicas salen de la esquina.
La chica ve a unos chicos juegan al básquetbol. A ella le gusta básquetbol. Ella entra la cancha de básquetbol y roba la bola. La chica no juega bien. Ellos no aprueban. La chica dice, “Soy yo. Hasta luego, chicos.” Ella sale de la cancha de básquetbol.
Ella baila por la ciudad y ve a unos chicos que bailan muy bien. A la chica le gusta bailar y mira ellos. Ellos dejan de bailar y mira la chica. Ella baila, pero ellos no aprueban. La chica dice, “Soy yo.”
La chica ve a su papá y corre a él.
No te preocupes si no aprueban. Cuando te critican, tu solo di, “Soy yo.”
" Querida Laura,
Hola Laura. Me llamo
____. Yo soy feliz, moreno, y paciente. Me gusta nadar y dormir. En la classe
de espan'ol, yo mira un “ Soy yo” video. En el video, hay una chica. La chica
es en la peluqueria. La chica es muy bueno. Ella le gusta su nuevo pelo. La
chica sale de peluqueria y dice “ Soy yo.” Entonces, la chica monta en
bicicleta por la ciudad. La bicicleta es bonita y especial. Cuando la chica
monta en bicicleta, ella ve a dos chicas. La dos chicas no les gusta bicicleta
de la chica. La chica basta montar en bicicleta y toca la flauta. Las dos
chicas no les gusta la musica de la chica. Asi que, la dos chicas salen de la
esquina. La chica camina por la ciudad cuando la chica ve a chicos ellos juegan
al basquetbol. Ella entra la cancha de basquetbol y roba la bola de ellos. La
chica no es atletica. Cuando la chicos critican la chica porque ella no es
atletica, la chica dice “ Soy yo.” La chica camina por la ciudad cuando ella ve
ellos bailan. Ella baila y ellos bastan. Ellos ven la chica baila. La chicos no
es importa de baila de la chica. Cuando ellos critican, ella dice “ Soy yo”.
Entonces, la chica corre cuando ve su padre. Ella es muy feliz. Un verso en la video
es, “ Que no te preocupes, si no aprueban. Cuando te critican, tu solo di. Soy
yo.” Un verso dice differente es bien. Estererotipos son generalizaciones sobre
de grupo de personas. Totales estereotipos es falsos. Un ejemplo es “gorda es
fea.” Gorda no es fea. Totales estereotipos es falso.
Even if you don't speak Spanish, you can tell that this is a lot more in depth. This is the same grade from the same time of year, and I attribute this improvement to four things: I didn't start this year off with the alphabet, dates, etc.; I used this story (TPRS); The students AND I strive for 90% target language use in the class; and I have been developing thematic units.
Every year, we should get better at something, and it's hard for me to not feel like I failed in the past. That student who had me two years ago was certainly capable of writing what my student this year wrote, but I wasn't at the level of teaching to help get her/him there. I sometimes feel like I failed my former students -- especially my first year when I taught grammar super explicitly. However, it's a learning process just like the path to proficiency. Every year, we improve (hopefully). This is a constant reminder for me of the importance of trying new things! I do not want to be one of those teachers who does the same old things every year. A new curriculum can be frustrating with a lot of work, but the results are worth it. As my department head, Dr. Jorge Allen, reminded us recently as we begin moving toward thematic units: we have to be willing to fail. It's hard to learn if we aren't taking risks. We tell our students that all the time, but are we doing it ourselves?
Thanks for reading!
Wow, I am humbled and honored by the mention.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that the student in 2017 experienced the best 2017 Timothy Chavez, and the 2019 is experiencing the best 2019 Timothy Chavez. Nothing is permanent (fixed), as we grow we are constantly becoming a new and different person.
You’re so right! I really do believe I was doing the best I could then with what I knew. I just have to keep moving forward and keep improving.